We have updated Wikipedia data to the 2024-02-01 version of the dumps. DBpedia data version is the latest 2022-12-01.
We have updated Wikipedia data to the 2023-09-01 version of the dumps. DBpedia data version is the latest 2022-12-01.
We have updated Wikipedia data to the 2023-05-01 version of the dumps and DBpedia data to the latest version 2022-12-01.
Dandelion knowledge base is always updated with the latest data. We are going to notify about new updates from now on. Today we are updating Wikipedia data to the 2023-02-01 version of the dumps. DBpedia data is also updated with the latest version.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: big news are finally coming for Dandelion API, we are dismissing some rarely used features, in order to focus on critical improvements of the API. Please read this document for detailed information.
New parameter top_entities for Entity Extraction API. This lets the user rank entities from a long text to select only the most important ones. Check the documentation for further details.
- Language support extended: Russian is now supported in the Entity Extraction and Text Similarity API!
- Update to latest version of Wikipedia (April 2017 snapshot)
Release with brand new features:
- Spanish is now supported in the Entity Extraction and Text Similarity API!
- updated to latest version of Wikipedia (December 2016 snapshot).